Mile Hive Bee Club

Join us on Tuesday, March 11th from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM for a MHBC meeting at the Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia Street, Denver CO 80220. Kamon Reynolds, from Tennessee’s Bees, will talk about spring splits and honey production. See UPCOMING EVENTS for more details.

The mission of the Mile Hive Bee Club is to support and educate Colorado Front Range hobby beekeepers in sustainable, best beekeeping management practices, promote beekeeping as part of urban agriculture and gardening, and educate the community about the importance of bees to the health of the regional ecosystem.

  • Monthly meetings to educate our members and create a bee conscious community
  • Model and promote sustainable beekeeping practices
  • Offer education at schools, fairs and other outreach opportunities
  • Manage a teaching apiary and pollinator meadow at Riverside Cemetery
The Mile Hive Bee Club Bylaws can be found here.

  • The Mile Hive Bee Club meets at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia Street, Denver CO 80220.  Most meetings also offer a Zoom option.
  • Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month January - November.
  • 6:30 - 7:00 is typically a Q&A session with main meeting starting at 7:00 and covering topics across the board in beekeeping. 
  • We offer 9 "field trip" opportunities in the months of February through October.
  • We strive to bring in speakers from local universities, businesses and offer up our own experience and knowledge to keep us all up-to-date on the very best methods and ideas as well as offer opportunities for socialization and networking (added in 2023 as result of club survey per members' request).
Club Meetings imageClub Meetings image
Annual membership in the Mile Hive Bee Club is only $25 and your dues include co-membership in the Colorado State Beekeeper Association. If you have already paid your state dues through a membership in another local club, annual membership is only $18.  Your membership dues support all the activities and meetings of the club as well as our outreach efforts.  

To become a new member or renew your membership, please complete the Google Membership Form. Payment options are listed on the form and, if paying through PayPal, you will find a direct link after submission on the confirmation page.

Membership benefits include free rental of club extracting equipment and the option of being a swarm catcher through the CSBA swarm hotline. Catching swarms is an amazing way to build your understanding of bee biology, and do important outreach to the non-beekeeping community (and get more bees!).


Removal, Rescue, Education
Gregg McMahan

To Bee or Not to Bee
Beekeeping Supplies and Classes

Membership image
  • Denver, CO, United States